Our history
Following the break-up of the joint venture between Fiat and Hitachi in 2003, Comac becomes the exclusive distributor of Hitachi products for the entire area of the North East of Italy.
This important step brings Comac to create and organise a capillary network of distribution and service support by utilising independently owned regional workshops and in opening a fully owned and controlled branch at Boara Pisani (PD), Italy.
This important step brings Comac to create and organise a capillary network of distribution and service support by utilising independently owned regional workshops and in opening a fully owned and controlled branch at Boara Pisani (PD), Italy.
The high level of professionality matured during so many years of experience in the earthmoving machinery business allows Comac to be able to satisfy the requests of its customers and to find the most suitable solutions to satisfy their real needs.
After the delivery of the machine Comac takes good care of its customers, it supplies all the after sale support needed to make sure that the machine is in top conditions that it perform correctly as long as possible.
After the delivery of the machine Comac takes good care of its customers, it supplies all the after sale support needed to make sure that the machine is in top conditions that it perform correctly as long as possible.